Thursday, May 24, 2012

Upperbody workout. Turns out my bench was not lost.

Great workout today. Figured I would see how my bench is coming, turned out it coming along nicely.

Close grip bench
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
255 x 2
285 x 1
305 x 1
315 x 1
330 x 1 5# PR

DB floor presses
5 x 10

Bent Over rows
135 x 5
185 x 5
215 x 5
245 x 10 all paused at top, PR

Ab fallouts
2 x 10

1" Vbar
180 x 1 L & R
189 x 1 L & R
199 x 1 L & R
209 x 1 L & R
219 x 1 R PR
229 x miss

Good night.


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

USAWA records day and Pressing and Squatting

I hosted and competed in a USAWA records day. Overall I set or broke 40 records, some good some bad some I am very proud of.
, not
Felt pretty good today so it was time for some pressing and squatting.

Push Jerks
135 x 3
155 x 3
175 x 3
205 x 2
225 x 2
245 x 2
Finally starting to figure out how to do these.

Blast strap face pulls supersetted with scarecrows
3 x 10 each

Back Squats
135 x 3
225 x 3
265 x 3 x 8 sets
These felt great not sure how they will feel over the next couple days though.

Prowler Push
5 sets of 120 feet

3 x 20


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Just some upperbody, deloading the lower body

Decided since I am gonna get just stupid on the coming Sunday that I would rest my legs up. Probably should have squatted but a little too late now.

Push Press
225 x 1 x 5 sets

Strict Press
3 x 5

Band pullaparts
3 x 15

Standing abs
3 x 20

Prowler Pushes
4 x 100 feet


Friday, May 11, 2012

A little bit of fun stuff and some conditioning

I wasn't gonna do anything today but Mac came by and I figured why not.

Hang Snatch
bar x  a lot
95 x couple
115 x 1
135 x 1
140 x 1
145 x 1
150 x 1 PR Ugly though

Snatch on knees
65 x 1
75 x 1
85 x 1
95 x 1
105 x 1
110 x 1
115 x 1 pressout

A little bit of jump roping probably 250 jumps

Prowler 5 pushes of 60-80 feet increasing the weight each push, last set was 430lbs.


Thursday, May 10, 2012

Past couple of workouts

Tuesday workout Overhead and squatting.

Strict Press
110 x 5
140 x 3
170 x 1
190 x 1
205 x 1 this was way too hard, I was gonna do 5-10 singles but that wasn't happening today.

Back Squats
245 x 3 x 10 sets
This was hard, a lot of volume and I was more sore than I get from box squats. It has been 2 days and my legs are still killing me.

Shoulder accessory work
3 sets of 2 exercises supersetted.

4 x 20

Thursday Bench Press and Deadlifting
Close grip bench
285 x 1 x 5 sets
This was way heavier than it should have been. But it is better than nothing.

225 x 5
315 x 3
365 x 3
425 x 10 I was suprised by this, my legs were killing me and I was dead tired. I was pleased with this.

Paloff presses
3 x 10 each side

1" Vbar
104 x 1
149 x 1
174 x 1
184 x 1
194 x 1
210 x 1 all sets each hand PR

I guess it wasn't much but it kicked my ass.


Thursday, May 3, 2012

Benching and back work

Gonna be changing some things around. I am not recovering enough from sundays to deadlift on tuesdays. So I will deadlift on thursdays and squat on tuesday.

Close grip bench
275 x 1 x 5 sets
280 x 1
285 x 1
290 x 1
295 x 1
300 x 1

That sucked, but I was happy to get through it.

Bent Over rows
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 5
275 x 5
315 x 5 slight pause each rep

135 x 5
225 x 5
315 x 5
405 x 10

Sledgehammer death
25# x 5, 16# x 10, 12# x 15 each arm x 2 sets. This sucked, I was dead ass tired after this.


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Good overhead, shitty deadlift

I was still very sore today, in hindsight I should have skipped deadlifting, but I am a dumbass.

Push Press
135 x 5
185 x 1
215 x 1 x 5 sets
225 x 1
235 x 1
245 x 1 PR
225 x 1 x 2 sets

I guess soon I need to go for a max where I haven't done a bunch of singles beforehand.

275 x 3
315 x 3
365 x 2
415 x 2
475 x holy christ this was hard
525 x what is my damn problem.

Prowler Pushes
6 trips low handle
6 trips high handle

Paloff Presses
3 x 10 each side

Standing abs
3 x 10

Front raises supersetted with side raises
3 x 10 each
