Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Upperbody day

Not the greatest workout today. But they can't all be great. I am having a shoulder issue and it impeding things as of late. But I have found some rehab exercises and I think they will help alot.

Axle clean and press
Had to stop here I wanted to test my max but figured better stop while the going was getting good.

Close grip bench
205x10,9,7,5,4 well this was different but I liked it.

Blast strap abuse
rows 3 x 10
reverse flys 3 x 10
Curls 3 x 10
Ab fallouts 3 x 10

That was it, kind of took too long tonight, I did too much chattering.


Monday, March 29, 2010

Following through on a goal...

Well I have decided that it is time to get back on track and get my weight back down to at 210lbs. I am currently at 230lbs, and to get this down by when I want is going to alot of dedication and hard work. Some people think this is a stupid move by me, but I have noticed alot of changes when I gain weight. I do get stronger in some aspects, but I don't feel as good. My joints start to ache more, I feel lethargic, and I don't have near as much energy. Staying at my current weight is easy, but trying to stay lower is quite harder and challenging. This is what I find motivating about that, without having goals and motivation I have no reason to continue lifting. Getting my weight down will make my goals that I have this year much more attainable. These goals win the Gus Lohman(Missouri Strongest Man) again, top 3 finish at the NAHA nationals, and place top 3 at the NAS nationals, of course all of these being a 200lb competitor. I am not gonna lie to myself losing the weight is not gonna be easy, nor will dealing with my crankiness that can come with it. But I am ready to attain this goal and see what happens. I have already started cleaning up my diet and I already feeling hungry.


Friday, March 26, 2010

Lower body workout

Good day today, felt strong on everything.

Close stance squats to a high box
Drop set

Strict log presses

DB rows

Band pullaparts supersetted with pulls to the face

Great session.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Deload lower body

Feeling very run down so I took it easier than usual.

Power Cleans
Just prescribed reps, these were terrible today.

Box squats
225x2x5 sets
275x2x3 sets

Ab work and calfs and called it a night.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Upperbody day

Not a bad today, did some good things and did some stupid things.

Log press
warmed up then 230 x 1 x 5 sets

Not bad but really gotta work on my push jerk technique.

Keg Carry and Load from 20 feet away each keg
first set to 60 inches
200, 250, 290 failed on 250 lowered to 52" and finished.
2nd set all to 52" failed on 290

Gotta alot work to do here.

Close grip bench

Hammer curls

EZ bar curls


Tricep extensions


Monday, March 22, 2010

100% RAW powerlifting meet

This weekend I competed in the 100% RAW Nebraska powerlifting contest. I don't train powerlifting that much anymore and trained for this along with my strongman training. Overall I am happy with how the results went. I think I overtrained my deadlift, as after watching the video I was not putting my hips through and locking out smoothly like I had been training.

Here is the breakdown of how things went.

Bench(used a close grip)

1st attempt

275 easy 3 whites

2nd attempt

303 easy 3 whites

3rd attempt

314 not so easy but locked it out 3 whites

I was happy with the bench as this a competition close grip PR.


1st attempt

512 easy wasted openeer 3 whites

2nd attempt

551 felt like crap but 3 whites and RAW competition PR

3rd attempt

573 miss

I look back at my training now and realize what I could have done differently. Training for both powerlifting and strongman are definately two opposing forces to train for me. But I had a good meet and after thinking about it for a few days I am happy with the results. Might do another powerlifting meet this year, but probably won't be the 100% RAW stuff, it is great organization but I don't like not being able to bench on my toes.

Friday, March 12, 2010

lowerbody workout

Had a decent workout the other night. Was supposed to deadlift tonight but I caught a flu bug and decided that some rest would help me.

DB Snatches
worked up to 105x3 on right arm, and missed on left arm

Power cleans

Box squats
275x2 + 1 set of 1/2" chains
275x2 + 2 sets
275x2 + 3 sets
275x2 + 4 sets
275x2 + 5 sets
275x2 + 6 sets
275x2 + 7 sets

6 sets

calf raises
3 sets

Feeling good about my powerlifting meet next weekend, all I want to get out of it is a PR or 2 and I will be happy.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Upperbody workout

Good workout tonight, some things went great, others not so much.

Axle clean and press
225 x 5 wore some new sleeves and they messed up my form took them off and did another set
225 x 6 much better just ran out of gas.
Next week is 240 and I plan on getting at least 5-6 reps

Close grip bench

Back and hamstring were cramping up bad, so I shut it down.

DB rows
175 x 15 each arm
200 x 10 each arm

Blast strap pushups

Blast strap curls

Gripper machine

Looking very forward to March 20th.


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Strongman day

Had a fun workout today, felt really good to be able to get outside.

Super Yoke
500 x 60 feet no belt
700 x 60 feet add belt
Not one of my fastest runs by any means, but hey gotta start somewhere.

Arm over arm sled pull
Just did 1 set of 60 feet this felt really off.

Keg presses 150# keg
5 sets of 1

Thick bar DB overhead presses
110 x 7 reps used some new elbow sleeves, they didn't feel right.

all to 48"
230, 250, 270, 310
Not very fast
330 x 1
360 x 1 x 2 sets

Sledgehammer swings 16# sledge
2 sets of 15 reps each arm

Russian twist


Friday, March 5, 2010

Deadlift day

Today was a milestone day. All week I was thinking about my deadlift workout, how it was gonna go down, and how much I was gonna do. I carbed up bigtime yesterday, my wife even commented on how much food I was taking in, and she is used to seeing me eat alot. Like I told her gotta carb up big deadlift workout tommorrow. Anyway earlier in the day I gotta text message from a friend who I have been helping with his workouts, he let me know that he pulled some big weight, so this had me pumped up to lift.

Deadlift from the floor
505x5 all time PR all reps hook gripped.

This made my day.

Strict log presses

Just wanted to see where I was at.

Squats light close stance
135 x5 supersetted with band pullaparts x 15 and pulls to the face x 15
185 x5 same thing
225x5 same thing

That was it, Sunday is gonna be fun. Weather is nice enough to train outside.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Had a great workout tonight, things are starting to come back around and that makes feel alot better.

Axle Clean and Press
210x8 one more rep than last time, so this is coming back around.

Close grip bench
Had to test it, to see where I am at. I am doing a powerlifting meet in 2 weeks and basically gave up training my regular bench, so I have been hitting the close grip alot harder.
275x1 pause
300x1 pause
315x1 no pause

DB floor presses

DB rows
155x15 both arms. PR by default as besides yesterday I had never gone this heavy. Shooting for a goal of 20+ reps next go around.

Assisted pullups

Hammer curls

EZ bar curls

Axle wrist curls

Good night for everyone tonight, Chucked pressed 155 on the DB overhead, Corey axle pressed 250x4, and Mac was a weenie and deloaded!!!
