Thursday, January 31, 2013

Tuesday and Thursday 1 day of suckage and 1 day of decent lifting.

Tuesday was an easy day decided to be smart and not fuck my back up more.

DBL overhand axle deads.
5 x 5 super light.

Bodyweight rows
5 x 10

Lat Pulldowns
5 x 15

6 sets

Thursday Upperbody

Axle Press out of rack
lots of warming up it was a steaming hot -10 today.
200 x 3
225 x 3
250 x 2 wanted 3 but this is progress.

Strict Press
160 x 4 x 4

Close grip bench
195 x 10 x 2 sets

Incline DBs
10, 15, 15

Band Pushdowns
3 x 15

Overall tonight made me happy, trying to be smart and rest up.


Sunday, January 27, 2013

Not much of a strongman

Todays workout was a whole steaming pile of horseshit! Granted it is my own fault, I figured hey I am feeling a lot better on Friday might as well squat for some decent reps. Turns out this wasn't a good idea at all, as I fucking hurt today.
Log Press all reps strict
I shouldn't have done this at all, picking up the log hurt so bad.

140 x 3
180 x 3
220 x 1
180 x 5

Tried the super yoke, it was just the empty yoke which weighs 250lbs 1 run of 60' and I was ready to be in tears. Stopped doing this.

Farmers Walks
1 set of 120lbs each hand x 400 feet.

At this point I realized, I am a fucking idiot and just sat around being pissed off. Not much I can do but wait it out and try to be smart. I know I sound like a big whiny bitch, but I am being one. I fucking hate being hurt, and I was just starting to make some really good gains. It is the nature of the game.

Supposed to deadlift Tuesday. I really really really shouldn't, so I will try my best not to fuck things up more.


Friday, January 25, 2013


After some talking with my training partners it is obvious that my squat needs a lot of work and it is something that I really need to work and hammer down on. I am going back to 531 for a while and will go from there and see where it takes me.

Back Squats
215 x 5
245 x 5
280 x 11 Pretty happy about this, wasn't too bad

Snatch Grip RDLs
3 x 5

Glute Bridges
3 x 5

Reverse hypers
5 x 10

Standing abs
3 x 20

Calf work.

Pretty good workout. My knee is a little fucked up but I was able to push through. I know that if I can squat more consistently I will see some serious gains all around. Reps are what got me really strong a couple years ago, time to go back to them. It will suck, but in a good way.


Thursday, January 24, 2013

Upperbody day

I had a plan for today, but one of them was not nailing my kneecap on a tile floor and making it hard to use leg drive. But I did what I could and it turned out ok.

Axle press out of the rack
110 x 3
130 x 3
160 x 3
180 x 3
210 x 3
235 x 2 these went up good but I had no leg drive for the 3rd one.

Strict Press
150 x 5 x 3 sets

5 x 10

Flat DB press
5 x 10

Band Pressdowns
2 x 25

1 set of curls

Overall ok night. Hopefully I can get a nice night of squatting in tomorrow.


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Deadlifts......If you really want to call them that.

So I did some deadlift on sunday, and I can tell I am healing. So I decided just to push things a little harder today. Wore a tighter belt and it made it hard to get in position but it really helped keep pressure on my lower back and have no pain( well a lot less).

135 x 5 x 2 sets
225 x 5
315 x 3
405 x 3
455 x 1
505 x miss I had no drive here.

DB rows
115 x 10,12,15

Hip Lift
700lbs x 10 x 3 sets

Bent Over rows
135 x 10 x 5 sets

3 x 10

Now that I look back over things, it was still a decent workout. I just want my deadlift back. Gonna take some time. I just lack patience, got to learn to have some.


Sunday, January 20, 2013

Past couple of workouts, and some retrospect

So my back was still fucked up and I did my best to be smart and not hurt it more.

I can't really remember what all I did, I know I was pissed off and mad that I couldn't do what I wanted.

135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
255 x 1
285 x 1
315 x 1
I wasn't very happy with how this went but in retrospect its the most I have done with a wide grip in a while.

255 x 5 x 3 sets

Floor Press with swiss bar
175 x 10 x 4 sets

Pullups and some other stuff

Back Squats
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 5
275 x 5
I stopped here, I could feel some pain and knew it would be better to fight another day.

Belt Squats
2 x 10

Hip Lift
500lbs x 20 x 3 sets
These actually helped traction my back, really like these and I need to get a heavy lift  bar so I can go heavier.

5 sets of 60' high handles 60' low handles, I almost died here.

Can't remember what else.

Axle press out of rack
110 x 5
140 x 3
170 x 1
200 x 1
These were strict
220 x 1 leg drive
240 x 1
265 x miss my head was not into it here.
220 x 5 these felt good and I think I could have dbl this but I wanted to pass out.

Farmers Walks. Always a good idea to do these out in the frigid cold when you sick.
210 each hand x 100 feet with a turn x 3
I was actually happy about these, plus it seems pulling from the sides at a elevated height doesn't bother my back.

Deads, figured might as well see how fucked I still am.
135 x 5
225 x 5
315 x 3
385 x 1
425 x 1
475 x better not.
I basically have hardly any pull out of the bottom.

Snatch grip RDLs
5 sets x 3 reps up to 315.

Keg Loads
200 x 10 reps

3 x 20

I think I am on the right track to getting to be STRONG again. I have been chasing my good years, and I really miss them. I wish I could figure what the hell I am doing different, but I haven't. Gotta do some research this week over my logs to see what is missing.


Sunday, January 13, 2013

Pressing, some dragging, and some biceps

My back was still fucked up, fucking hurts to even bend and pick up a pen I drop. So I did what I could do.

Strict Press
In hindsight this didn't go bad but I think my triceps were worn out from Thursday.
170 x 8, I really wanted 10 here but I just didn't have it.
170 x 2 just to get that total 10 reps.

Front Raises supersetted with Side raises
5 x 8

Tire sled drags
6 sets of 60 feet

Bicep curls
4 x 15

Hammer Curls
4 x 10

That was it, kind of pathetic.


Thursday, January 10, 2013

Past couple of workouts

Tuesday was kind of rushed I had some family stuff to do.

Push Jerks
75 x  2
115 x 2
145 x 2
175 x 2
205 x 2
235 x 1 pulled a muscle here stopped.

Pulls to the face supersetted with Band Pullaparts
3 x 15 each

I felt horrible here but as each set went on I felt better but each set sucked nuts.
400 x 3 x 7 sets
400 x 10 on 8th set

Hyper deads
4 sets x 5 reps

That was it this day.

Thursday Upperbody
Bench press with slingshot
135 x 5 x 2 sets
185 x 3 added slingshot
215 x 3
245 x 3
275 x 3
305 x 3
325 x 3

Floor Presses
225 x 2
255 x 2
285 x 2

Dips on rings
3 x 5

Incline DB presses

Band Pushdowns
100 reps

Battling Ropes
10 sets of 30 sec

Tired, but happy.


Sunday, January 6, 2013

Strongman day

Really good day today. I am glad I did what I did as I was really starting to wonder if I even have what it takes to do strongman anymore. I didn't do anything amazing but I showed myself I still have something left in the tank.

Strict Presses
152.5 x 3 x 7 sets
152.5 x 10 reps on 8th set

Super Yoke
450lbs x 60 feet
700lbs x 60 feet no drops

Most I have done on the yoke in a long time, probably well over a year. But super slow.

Giant Farmers Walks
245 each hand x 60 feet
265 each hand x 60 feet

Zercher deads with spud strap
235 x 3 x 3 these really hit my core.

That was it, then I went and broke up ice left on the driveway.


Friday, January 4, 2013


Surprised this workout went as decent as it did. I was exhausted. But I know I needed it.

Back Squats 12" stance
330 x 1 x 10 sets
Worked on dipping in the bottom, when I did it right these were night and day.

18" deadlifts
245 x 1
335 x 1
425 x 1
515 x 1
565 x 1
615 x miss
Called it here, just wanted to see how they felt.

Standing abs
3 x 10

KB swings
3 x 5

That was it, decent night.


Thursday, January 3, 2013

Upperbody night

Going back to wider grip benching for a while, see how it goes.

275 x 1 x 9 sets
275 x 5 on 10th set

Floor press
225 x 5
245 x 5
275 x 4

3 x 20

close grip pullups
5 x 5

Pinch Gripping

500 jumps of jump roping.


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Pressing and deadlifting

I did strict presses on sunday, but felt like a PR could happen today on push presses. Turns out I was right.

Push Presses
95 x 3
135 x 3
165 x 3
195 x 1
225 x 1
245 x 1
260 x miss, miss, 1 PR
If I can ever figure out how to Jerk I know I would be over 300lbs on it, but I guess we all have things that we suck at. Very happy to get this PR. Pressing PRs are always the best for me.

355 x 5 x 8 sets no rep out on the last set, way too tired today.

DB rows
110 x 10
130 x 10
160 x 10 wow been a while since I have done this kind of weight on these.

3 x 8

Standing abs
3 x 15

Jump roping.


Good way to start the year out. Hopefully I can keep this streak going.