Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Training and some thoughts.....

So I woke up on sunday and I felt great, but after walking around for about an hour my knee locked up and I couldn't even bend it. This had me quite worried, but I also know that I am not a spring chicken anymore and sometimes my body needs a little more rest than I want to give it. Anyway I was feeling a little bit better today so I decided to try some deads.

Deads from the floor
225 x 3
315 x 3
405 x 1,2,3,4, then on the 5th set I felt a twinge.

Bent over rows
135 x 10 x 5 sets

3 x 10

3 x 5

I really need to figure out what I wanna do this weekend. I want to compete at the MacPherson games but I also know that there is a chance I could hurt myself more and then I might not be able to work, if I can't work then I can't take care of my family. I don't know maybe I am overthinking things, but I think at this point in my life I need to. Then I also realize the amount of money it will cost to do this games, a couple years ago I would have thought twice about this but now I never know if I am gonna make 400$ or 200$ a week and that can't hurt the old pocket book big time. Trying to be more responsible is a bitch, but I am father and good husband so sometimes I just gotta grow up.


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