Saturday, June 19, 2010

Past couple of workouts and diet update.

Tuesday Corey and I did some light stuff, we both felt beat to shit still so we took it really easy.

Power snatches
8 sets of 2 with 130lbs

Trab bar deadlifts
335 x 5 x 3 sets

Blast strap rows
5 x 5

Thursday Chuck and I did some upperbody. I still took it easy.

Axle clean and press
160 x 5
180 x 5
200 x 5
220 x 2

Reverse band presses
275 x 5
295 x 5
315 x 5
335 x 3
365 x 1

5 sets of 8

2 sets of 20 sec with 250lbs on the axle for an double overhand hold

Did 15 sets of 3 reps on chinups throughout the workout.

Friday Lower Body

My knee was killing me so I just did what I could.

Box squats
225 x 2 x 5
275 x 2 x 5

Power Cleans
155 x 5
175 x 5
195 x 10

did 120 reps of ab work.

Tried to do some prowler, but my knee hurt doing it.

So overall an ok deload week. I am worried about my knee, as I think I might have torn some cartlidge in it. But if I did nothing I can do right now, don't have the money nor can I afford the time off from work. Pain sucks but I can deal with it.

Carb loading has gone good the first week. I am doing 4 lows, 2 moderate, and 1 high day. Today my high day was supposed to be 500 grams of carbs, I don't think I will reach. Eating 500 grams of clean carbs is not as easy as I thought it would be. I am actually looking forward to my low day tommorrow and Monday. With any luck once I start cardio Monday, weight will start coming off quickly to start. If I can be 215 by the middle of July I will cut down to 200lbs for NAHA nationals. Time for some rest and relaxing.


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