So I just got done with an epic deadlift workout. What was so epic about it? I finally pulled 600lbs with just a belt and hook gripped it. Now I am not completely happy with it, as I had to slightly hitch it. Some one would say, be happy you just pulled a milestone lift. I never said I wasn't happy, just not completely happy. I am a perfectionist, so I want things to be perfect. But I am very happy.
All week I knew that today was a make or break workout. My routine called for 540 for reps today and no matter what I was gonna pull a PR with that. All day at work I kept thinking about my workout, seeing my friends, knowing they would be there to push me. Then around 3:00pm I started getting a massive headache, almost to the point that I couldn't see straight. I ended up leaving work 1 hour early, gotta love nice bosses(Thanks John). I got home and I couldnt' get this damn headache to stop. My wife asked me if I had any caffeine today, I was no I haven't. So I took 4 ibuprofen and 3 scoops of Jacked. I started warming up and the warmups felt like shit, this is a good sign. Finally after about 30 minutes that damn headache started going away. So I get all my warmups done and go for my last set which was supposed to be 540, but I was like 545 will look alot cooler on the bar. So I setup to do my rep set with 545 and I got 3 really easy and I stop. I knew after that set 600 was going to be my bitch today. I had just got myself pumped up to my favorite song, but now I needed bring myself back down or I was gonna amp myself out. So I put on my favorite happy go lucky song by Cee-lo "Fuck You". After about 3 minutes, I got my song going again to get me going. Once my hands touched the bar I knew that today 600lbs was finally mine. It felt solid the whole way until I reached my shorts and it caught my skin causing the bar to stick, so I had to hitch it a little to finish it. Next team remember baby powder.
So where do I go from here, not sure 625lbs sounds like a nice starting point. Right now a long term goal is to make it onto the top 100 for deadlift in the 242's, not sure where I need to be for this but my best guess would be around 650ish. So I will start at 625 and work on my way to 650ish.
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