Thursday, March 31, 2011


Well today I was gonna start what I would call phase 1 of my training for a competition. But I really think that right now I am gonna have to wait on competing, at least in strongman. Chuck helped me figure out my knee and we are pretty sure it is cartlidge damage, which is pretty much what I thought it was as I have degenerative cartilidge or whatever the hell it is called in my knees. I had to have the cartlidge removed in my left knee a couple years ago and I am sure this one needs it to. But it is just gonna have to wait. So I am gonna listen to Chuck and start rehabbing it and try not to do anything stupid, this will be hard to do....

Strict presses 95 x 5 135 x 3 155 x 1 175 x 1 195 x 1 Just to gauge where I am at. Tried to do push presses and this is when I found out my knee is definately not ready, when I dipped down to get leg drive I damn near fell to the ground from the pain.

down sets 175 x 3 155 x 5 135 x 10 So I guess I will be doing alot of strict presses, and one motion presses with the log. NO LEG DRIVE!

Close grip bench 135 x 5 185 x 5 225 x 5 275 x 3 add slingshot 295 x 3 315 x 3 was gonna go heavier but Chuck and Mac were throwing and I didn't have a spotter.

Dips bodyweight x 5 + 35 x 5 x 5

Green band extensions 5 x 15

 Pullups 8 x 5

Grippers # 1 3 x 5 each hand
Trainer 3 x 15 each
Grip machine x alot

 I was in a rather dismall mood after not being able to push press, but eventually I said "Fuck it, guess I will just have to get really good at strict pressing." Not much I can do and maybe the rest on the old body will be nice.


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