Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Deads, squats, and damn I am tired....

Did post up my Sunday workout, but in all honesty I pretty much stunk the day up. One highlight I did manage to pull 295 x 3 on the axle double overhand deadlift. But that was about the only highlight.

Warmed up with some snatches

ME deadlift, I could tell warming up that this might not be a great workout. But it wasn't bad.
15" deads off boxes, I really hate this position to pull from.
245 x 3
335 x 3
425 x 1
475 x 1
515 x 1
565 x 1
605 x miss, miss, I think this would have been a 5# PR probably should have done 585 first.
480 x 5

Speed deads
385 x 1 x 5 sets

Back squats
295 x 1 x 10 sets
In between every sets of squats, I did a set of 10 on DB rows, I switched sides each set.
100lbs x 10 x 5 sets each arm

Spud long ab strap
3 x 20
This thing is awesome, but I need a heavier stack for this.


Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Decided to move upperbody to today instead of tommorrow. It wasn't a great workout, my upperback was sore and tired so my pressing had very little drive. Better than nothing and I set some small PRs.

4 board bench press
135 x 5 x 2
185 x 5
225 x 1
275 x 1 added boards
295 x 1
315 x 1
335 x 1
355 x miss I hit the uprights and on the 2nd attempt I had nothing left. My back was cramping up terrible.
285 x 5

bodyweight x 10
+ 20 x 10
+ 35 x 10 PR
+ 53 x 5
+70 x 5
+ 96 x 4 PR
bodyweight x 11

Straight bar curls
5 x 10
While this a stupid PR, I haven't been able to do straight bar curls for well over a year without pain. I worked up to 85lbs x 10 with very little pain. Good to know my wrist is feeling better.


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Lower body

First I think I am gonna have to switch to working out 3 days a week or least using the 4th day for just conditioning. It is just too much to try and get that 4th workout while I am working on losing weight, getting a good workout in, and lastly spending time with my daughter. I am gonna go by feel and see what happens. But more than likely I will start doing Tuesday Lower body, Thursday Upperbody, Sunday Overhead/Shoulders and strongman training. Then I will do conditioning work on monday, wednesday, friday. So it would appear that I would be working out 6 days a week, but my conditioning only takes usually 20-30 minutes, sometimes less.

Power Snatch from blocks
115 x 3 x 3
kept it light today, I was working on better form and it was hurting my shoulders.

Repitition day Deadlifts. Decided that about every 4th week I will do a rep day.
245 x 3
335 x 3
425 x 3 added belt
500 x 4 pathetic, but not terrible.

Back Squats
275 x 1 x 10 sets 20-30 sec rest

DB rows supersetted with Axle Shrugs
8 and 10 x 3 sets

Tabata jump rope and tabata KB snatches which about killed me.

Overall not a bad workout, just wished it went better. But I also realize that I changed my high carb day to thursday so I can enjoy Thanksgiving. So it has been 8 days of only 30 grams of carbs a day, Mondays are usually my high carb day so I think my body was a little pissed at me for not having massive carbs.


Sunday, November 20, 2011

Strongman day, not really......

My daughter had a powerlifting meet yesterday and we spent 11 hours there. Between helping spotting, loading, and coaching her I was wiped and actually sore. Woke up today and wasn't feeling that bad, but something didn't agree with my stomach was doing the toilet medley in between trying to workout. Not the most productive way to start the day.

Push Press
110 x 5
160 x 3
180 x 1
200 x 1
220 x 1
At this point I said screw it, I was running to the bathroom in between every set.

Double Overhand axle deads
220 x 3
250 x 3
280 x 7 PR stomach was feeling a little better here.

Strict press very light superset with Pull aparts
3 sets of 5 and 10 reps

230 stone x 5 x 3 sets Actually was getting some nice one motioning going on.

200 a hand I think x 4 sets of 60 feet, on the 5th set I caught my foot and then tripped up and managed to pull my groin. It hurts but at least it was at the end of the workout. Overall not a bad day.


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Some thoughts about The Carb Nite Solution

About a month ago I was looking for something new to try as far as diet goes. In the past I have used Very Low Carb methods, and mostly carb cycling. Results wise carb cycling has always treated me well, but there is a lot of preparation and some days it could be a hassle. One benefit about carb cycling is I always got to have carbs, but I was usually eating 6-7 times a day. Not that I mind eating that much, but somedays at work it was hard to do that.

Earlier this year, I had noticed everybody talking about this Keifer who had researched and developed a better way of losing weight and fat, and you got to eat junk food. WHAT eating junk food and I can lose weight and fat, sign me the hell up! Most of my reading led me to Carb Backloading, which in the future I will definately be doing. Once I actually did some better googling, I find out about the Carb Nite Solution. This definately sounded like what I was interested in doing. So I bought the E-book and did some serious reading. While I was reading the book I started thinking of different things I had done in the past but obviously what I was doing wrong and failing. Almost everything I read made complete sense, and some of it didn't. I think I spent the whole night reading the book and jotting down ideas of what I need to do.

I got my wife on board to do this with me and we both have been on this for 4 weeks. Obviously the first couple weeks I lost weight fast, I think the first week I lost 6-7lbs, 2nd week 3-4lbs, and now about 1.5lbs a week. But the biggest thing I have noticed how much fat I am losing. My initial goal was to try and lose about 30lbs, but now I am realizing that I don't care how much weight I lose but if I can keep losing more fat the scale number doesn't matter to me.

One thing that I truly love is the carb nite, I am still figuring this out but I have had some pretty epic carb up nites. Burgers, fries, cookies, doughnuts, ice cream, pizza, and pie you are my friends. I am actually quite amazed at how much I can eat on these nights also, as typically in the past when I am eating less I cannot eat much on carb up days. But as long as I keep eating enought protein and fats this is not a problem.

So to sum it up, I have to say for what I want to accomplish The Carb Nite Solution is working great. One thing I need to really work on is doing enough interval training, once I get this done I know I will seeing many more results, but I have been lazy. Once Keifer puts out his Carb Backloading book I will definately buy so I can figure out how I will approach that when it is time for that. 

Thanksgiving is my next Carb Nite is gonna be EPIC!!!


ME Upperbody Day

I felt very sluggish going into todays workout, but once I got home and took my new preworkout Maxforce NO, from espnutrition.com I was ready to go. I am not sponsored by these guys but I have to say this is the best preworkout I have ever taken and for as much as you get you can't beat it.

Close grip bench + chains
135 x 5
185 x 3
185 x 3 + 1 set 1/2" chains
185 x 3 + 2 sets
185 x 1 + 3 sets
185 x 1 + 4 sets
185 x 1 + 5 sets
185 x 1 + 6 sets
185 x 1 + 7 sets GRINDER
Down Set
185 x 5 + 4 sets of chain

I weighed the 7 sets of chain and they were actually a little heavier than I thought the last set was 180lbs of chain at the top.

Incline DB press
30 x 10
40 x 10
50 x 10
60 x 10
70 x 10

Fatbar Tricep Pressdowns
5 x 10

6 sets of 10 reps

I did jump rope in between all my sets for sets of 50. Great workout, strength is starting to come back.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Deadlift day

Ok day today, but man I forget how bad max 18" deads beat me up. I will probably only do these once a month, they are just too hard on me and as long as I am making gains on my regular deadlift these tend to go up also for me.

Power Snatches
95 x 3
115 x 3
135 x 1
145 x 1
155 x 1
162 x 1 x 2 sets PR but ugly, time to drop down for a couple weeks.

18" deadlifts off boxes
245 x 3
335 x 3
425 x 1
515 x 1
605 x 1 these were all hook gripped or double overhand.
655 x 1 strapped up PR, I should have tried to hook this but I will next time.
675 x miss, probably could have got this had I went from 605 to this.
555 x 4 deadstop each rep, could have done more reps but this was killing my back. Still not bad.

Speed pulls
335 x 1 x 8 sets 75lbs of chain added

Chest supported rows
3 x 10

Green band abs
3 x 20

I am wrecked. My abbductors feel like they have been ripped off the bone. But I will be better tommorrow. Great workout. Also last time I pulled close to this weight I weighed 20lbs more.


Sunday, November 13, 2011

Suckage strongman day

Craptastic workout today. I should have felt great I slept for like 10 hours, but I just felt beat up. Still a fun day.

Strict Log Press
110 x 3
140 x 1
160 x 1
180 x 1
200 x 1
210 x 1
220 x miss, miss so close
180 x 3

DBL overhand axle deads
200 x 5
220 x 5
260 x 9 PR dead stop each rep

250 x 2 x 2
330 x 1
360 x not happening
I was drained at this point

low handle 60 feet high handle 60 feet
3 plates each peg x 3 sets
4 plates each peg x 1 set
5 plates each peg x 1 set
This was probably the best part of the whole workout, heavy low handle prowler is where it is at, on a scale of 1-10 on the suck scale I will give 5 plates each peg an 11!

Front Raises supersetted with Side Raises
3 x 10

Guess I just need some rest, that is gonna happen today.


Friday, November 11, 2011

Quick Lower body

Not a great workout, but not terrible by any means. I had to do a physical for my insurance today, so I fasted all day. Didn't get done with physical until 4:45pm so I ate a handful of almonds and said "Time to lift". I could tell that this wasn't gonna be the best workout. So I just did what I could.

Power Cleans
135 x 5
185 x 3
205 x 2
225 x 1
Was gonna do mulitple singles, but my back cramped up on the first set and it really hurt, so I said that is enough of that today.

Back Squats
250 x 2 x 8 sets

1/2 Front squats
3 x 5
These were a lot harder than I thought they would be.

Green band abs
3 x 20

That was it.


Thursday, November 10, 2011

ME Upperbody, good workout but.....

So I am keeping some strength as I lose weight but I still wish I wouldn't lose any. But compared to how things have been in the past I can't complain.

ME 3 board press
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 1
255 x 1 added boards
275 x 1
305 x 1
325 x 1
335 x miss
275 x 6

185 x 10
205 x 10
225 x 10
250 x 10
5th set wasn't happening this was harder than I thought it would be.

5 x 5
4 sets with 53lbs hanging.

5 x 10

Bicep work.

Overall I am happy with tonight.   I am consistently losing about 2lbs a week at the most, and I am maintaining strength and gaining in some areas. But I am probably still 2 years out from a bodybuilding show.


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Power Snatch PR, Deadlift PR, and then squats about killed me :)

I had a wonderful carb day yesterday, woke up this morning with what I like to call a food hangover. Nice feeling. I had a plan for today, and I accomplished it. Can't complain at all.

Power Snatch
95 x 3
115 x 3
135 x 1
145 x 1
155 x 1
160 x 1 PR kind of ugly but I will take it.

ME Deadlift
warmed up to 425lbs and then starting adding chains each set. Chains weight approx 25lbs a set
425 x 1
425 + 1 set of chains x 1
425 + 2 sets x 1
425 + 3 sets x 1
425 + 4 sets x 1
425 + 5 sets x 1
425 + 6 sets x 1
425 + 7 sets x 1 PR, probably had more in me but I wasn't gonna do anymore.

Back Squats
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 3
295 x 3
Did these beltless and they were done fast.

Bent Over Rows supersetted with Chest Supported Rows
3 x 10 each

That was it, great workout but I am spent.


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Strongman day

Down to 232lbs, and my strength seems to be holding decently. Chose axle clean and press for me ME overhead exercise today. Went decent.

Axle clean and press
110 x 5
160 x 3
180 x 1
200 x 1
220 x 1
240 x 1
250 x 1 ugly, I gotta work my jerk technique.
Most I have ever clean and pressed is 275lbs and that was at about 15lbs heavier, so I can't complain.
210 x 5

DBL overhand axle deads
280 x 1
310 x 1 10# PR
270 x 3

330 x 1 x 5 sets

That was it, then we spent a couple hours cleaning the gym. Looks awesome.


Friday, November 4, 2011

Dynamic Lower body day

Good day today, I set myself on the clock for most of my exercises.

Power Cleans
215 x 1 x 8 sets 30 sec rest in between

Speed Squats
230 x 2 x 8 sets
45 sec rest.
I am gonna try and stop box squatting for a while, so I did these beltless and with a medium stance. Will try this for about 6 weeks and see what happens.

DB Slds
4 x 10

Green Band Abs
3 x 25

Bunch of jumproping. Then I went and ate Primerib with the family, great postworkout but I can't wait to devour carbs on Monday.


Thursday, November 3, 2011

Maximum Effort Upperbody

When I got home the power was out around the block, luckily it wasn't too cold out so I opened the door to get some light and went at it. Luckily a old friend came by to workout so I had a spotter.

Swiss bar bench presses
120 x 5
170 x 3
210 x 3
230 x 1
260 x 1
280 x 1
290 x 1 Baseline PR
Down set
240 x 5

I will say I have never benched with the swiss, definately a different animal sense you have to keep it balanced and not let it shift on you.

5 x 12

Blast strap extensions
3 x 10

I was gonna stop as I couldn't see much anymore, but the power came back on so I did one more exercise.
2.5" thickbar Benches
5 sets of 8. I like this a lot, gonna do these more.

That was it. Did various sets of pull ups throughout the workout.


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Maximum Effort deadlift day and some squatting.

Power Snatches
95 x 3
115 x 3
135 x 2
155 x 1
157 x 1 PR

Reverse band Deads with green bands, setup where tension is gone at the knees. This sucked and it really showed a weakness for me.
225 x 3
315 x 3
405 x 1
455 x 1
505 x 1
555 x 1
575 x 1 stopped here as it was not a max effort pull, but damn close.
Was gonna do a down set, but my knee was feeling better so I figured might as well try some back squatting.

135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 5
275 x 5
All of these felt great, as long as I feel good I will be pushing these back up every week.

Superset to finish
Prowler + 300lbs
low handle 50 feet, high hand 50 feet, DB row 115lbs x 8, paloff presses x 10 for 3 sets.

That was it, overall good night.
