Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Lower body

First I think I am gonna have to switch to working out 3 days a week or least using the 4th day for just conditioning. It is just too much to try and get that 4th workout while I am working on losing weight, getting a good workout in, and lastly spending time with my daughter. I am gonna go by feel and see what happens. But more than likely I will start doing Tuesday Lower body, Thursday Upperbody, Sunday Overhead/Shoulders and strongman training. Then I will do conditioning work on monday, wednesday, friday. So it would appear that I would be working out 6 days a week, but my conditioning only takes usually 20-30 minutes, sometimes less.

Power Snatch from blocks
115 x 3 x 3
kept it light today, I was working on better form and it was hurting my shoulders.

Repitition day Deadlifts. Decided that about every 4th week I will do a rep day.
245 x 3
335 x 3
425 x 3 added belt
500 x 4 pathetic, but not terrible.

Back Squats
275 x 1 x 10 sets 20-30 sec rest

DB rows supersetted with Axle Shrugs
8 and 10 x 3 sets

Tabata jump rope and tabata KB snatches which about killed me.

Overall not a bad workout, just wished it went better. But I also realize that I changed my high carb day to thursday so I can enjoy Thanksgiving. So it has been 8 days of only 30 grams of carbs a day, Mondays are usually my high carb day so I think my body was a little pissed at me for not having massive carbs.


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