Thursday, June 30, 2011

Upperbody day

Went over to Bryan's again to bench, I think it kind of threw me off my routine since it was a little later in the day but I will survive.

Wide grip bench
135 x 5 x 2
185 x 5
225 x 5
275 x 5 felt a pec twinge here
Slingshot close grip
315 x 3 stopped here.

DB flat presses
55 x 10
75 x 10
85 x 10
These helped to get blood into my pec.

3 x 10 these felt good should have done more sets

3 x 5

Cheat curls
135 x 5
155 x 5
175 x 3

Kind of a abbreviated workout, but better than nothing.


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Deadlift and upperback

I was actually gonna skip todays workout as I was tired as hell and figured what is it gonna hurt. Well after taking about a 45 min nap, I remembered that my buddy Bryan had to work until 7pm and he needed to workout. So I texted Bryan and asked him if wanted to lift at his house, sure enough he did. Man am I glad he did.

Power cleans
these felt shitty today, so I just did some light work.
205 x 2 x 4 sets

275 x 5
315 x 5
405 x 3
475 x 7 easy but only had enough in my thumbs for 7, last week I got 455 x 7 so things are coming back around. 10 was easily within reach today

Bent over rows
225 x 5
245 x 5
275 x 5
295 x 5
315 x 5 PR

6 sets

Great night, glad I didn't skip it.


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Strongman day

The family and I went and hung out with some friends last night and I ate like shit, but enjoyed it. But today I was paying for it, my stomach is in shambles. As it stands right now I have taken 5 huge dumps and know there is more waiting. Plus anytime I put my belt on I wanted to puke. Oh well gotta have fun every now and then. Still was a decent workout.

Axle clean and press
110 x 5
160 x 3
200 x 3
225 x 5 sloppy as shit but I got 5, better then nothing.

Power stairs
300 x 15 reps to box not bad

240 a hand x 50 feet x 3 trips speed was good stopped at 3 as knee was getting wierd.

330 x 1
405 x miss, miss, miss
360 x miss, miss
Well good part I was able to go to the 330 with no warmups with other stones, should have done the 360 next as the 405 took all my energy, I almost had it lapped. Not sure what my problem on stones is but I will figure out soon enough.

Sled drags
500 lbs x 4 sets of 50 feet

Overall not a bad day, just wish some things would come back quicker than others.


Friday, June 24, 2011

Squats and such

Box squats
140 x 5
230 x 2
300 x 2 x 8 sets didn't feel bad, decent explosion. Knee held up.

KB snatches
96lb x 5 x 3 sets this kicked my ass

3 x 20

Calf raises
3 x 10

Short and sweet. Hoping to have a great workout on sunday.


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Upperbody workout

Didn't know what to expect from todays workout. I got a 1 hour massage yesterday, granted it was a from massage chair, but that damn thing worked good. I was sore in different areas today and I should have known this to happen, but I didn't. My upperback felt very worn down, still I had a decent workout.

Wide grip bench
135 x 5 x 2 even this felt crappy
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 1
300 x 1
320 x 1
Been a couple months since I have done this, so it felt nice to get 3 plates again.

Close grip bench
250 x 5 x 3 sets

bodyweight x 5
+35 x 5 x 3 sets

3 x 15

Grip work.

Kind of cut the assistance short, next week time for more reps.


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Deadlift and upperback

Overall today was a decent workout, my knee was feeling 50% better so I figured push it while I can. Cleans were ok but I couldn't do reps like I wanted, in hindsight I should have done multiple sets.

Power Cleans
135 x 3 x 2
185 x 3
205 x 3
225 x 2

top set 455 x 7 had more but thumb didn't, this is better though and my dead is coming around again.

Tbar rows
4 x 8

DB rows
3 x 15

core work
4 sets

I am feeling a lot better. I went back to basically eating like I am carb cycling. Eating paleo is good but I get too many cravings. With carb cycling I don't get my cravings and I am eating good food still. Only plan for now is to just go with the flow and see what happens.


Sunday, June 19, 2011

Strongman day

Well today was a better day than last week, but I still feel dissapointed.  But gotta take what I can get.

Axle clean and press
150 x 5
200 x 3
215 x 6 not bad, legs ran out of power

Axle DL double overhand
250 x 5

4 board press
225 x 3
275 x 3
315 x 3
345 x 1
365 x 1

farmers/sled drag medley
280 farmers/ 400 sled
Only made it 35 feet with farmers, no way I could pick them back up as I felt like I was gonna pass out. So I went and pulled the sled. Gotta work the grip, granted it is very hit and miss for me.

310 x 1
330 x 1
360 x miss
A lot better than last week.

That was it for today, it is progress but I want to come back quicker. Gotta take what you can get though. Still was a fun day with my friends.


Friday, June 17, 2011

Lower body

Hot and humid workout, knee has been feeling like shit but I think I have found what I can do to at least get squats in and not bother it as much.

Box squats about 1" above parallel
135 x 5 x 2
225 x 2
275 x 2 x 8 sets not too shabby, just gotta get back in the groove on these.

Leg extensions supersetted with DB Slds
15 and 10 reps x 3 sets

4 sets

Decent workout, my knee is only a little irritated so I am sure I will stick with the box squats. They have always treated me well in the past so with any luck they still will.


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Upperbody workout

Pretty decent workout, things are coming around on my upperbody days.

Wide grip bench
135 x 5 x 2
185 x 3
225 x 3
275 x 3
300 x 3 good start

Close grip bench
275 x 3 x 3

Tate Presses
4 x 8

Wide grip bench supersetted with pressdowns
10 and 15 x 3 sets

Grip work

I did multiple sets of 3 on pullups throughout the workout. Overall I was happy with todays workout, my wide grip strength is coming back at a good pace.  Tommorrow is lower body will have to see how my knee wants to act.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Well I wanted to follow my plan today, but that went out the window. My back is feeling quite fubared, and I don't even know how I did it. I probably need to get an adjustment or a massage ASAP.

Power cleans
135 x 3
185 x 3
215 x 1
230 x 1 I wanted to do reps with this, but catching the weight killed my knee so I stopped.

275 x 3
315 x 3
405 x 3
455 x 2 this was my plan rep set, but reps were not feeling all that great.
515 x 1
There is a positive spin to this as 515 is the most I have pulled in a while, but it was a lot harder than it should have been.

DB rows
3 sets

Sledge swings
3 x 10

Actually not having a great workout was probably a good thing as I probably would have tried to do more than I should right now.


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday training

My training lately is really starting to become 2 steps forward, then 3 steps back. But I take what I can get and go from there. My knee was feeling rather well fucked on friday and it only felt slightly better today. Joe and Troy had phenomenal days. Troy clean and press 270 on axle and loaded a 360 stone for the time. Joe clean and pressed 300 on the axle. Proud of both of them.

Alxe clean and press
205 x 8 not a bad start. My leg drive sucked and I couldn't do a rebend on the catch. Next week is 215 so hopefully I can get 8 reps with that and I will be on the right track.

Reverse band bench
275 x 3
315 x 3
345 x 1
365 x 1
385 x 1
405 x 1 ties PR although Troy put his hands on the bar as I was grinding it out, but he says he didn't help. It is what it is.

Farmers/sled drag medley
240 farmers 50 feet/400lb sled drag 50 feet
Only did 1 sets as every step I took hurt and I couldn't move fast.

Power stairs simulation
350lbs x 9 reps

Stones-wasn't gonna happen could not pick the 310 up at all, I had no drive in my knee at all.

DB overhead presses
4 x 10

DB side raises
4 x 10

Well overall it wasn't a terrible day, but I am still dissapointed. Hopefully I can get my knee to feeling better by next Sunday. One day at a time......

Friday, June 10, 2011

Deload lower body night

While taking 16 days off from work was great, it has thrown my sleep scheadule all out of wack. I have been only getting around 3-4 hours of sleep a night and really caught up with me today. And to top it off my knee decided to give me fits, I am gonna have to break down and see an ortho soon, and maybe check into PRP therapy and I really don't wanna have to get surgery right now. Anyway Corey came over and we were able to catch up and get some good laughs.

135 x 5 x 2 sets
These hurt like hell and that is when I really decided to deload.

KB snatches
70 x 5 x 2 sets each arm

Backwards sled pulls
300lbs x 60 feet x 4 sets, I gotta start doing this all the time.

DB slds
3 x 10

Band abs
3 x 20


Thursday, June 9, 2011


I was quite pleased with today's workout, to say I felt sluggish would be a huge understatement. My sleep scheadule is all screwed up and sleep last night was a bare minimum.

Close grip bench
135 x 5
185 x 5
235 x 3
275 x 3
300 x 1
These felt terrible.

Wide grip bench
185 x 8
205 x 8
225 x 10
This is starting to feel really good, it is probably time to do wide grip first  then use close grip for assistance. Not sure yet.

3 x 10

DB bench
3 x 10

Two hand plate pinches
5 sets up to 120lbs

Wrist curls
5 sets

Good day.


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Back work

It was a nice cool 98 degrees today, getting used the heat, but I was feeling sick towards the end of the workout.

Power cleans
135 x 3 x 2
185 x 3
220 x 1
220 x 10

245 x 3
335 x 3
425 x 3
500 x 4 decent starting point, I had more reps in me but I haven't hook gripped anything heavy in a long time and it killed my thumbs.

Bent over rows
245 x 8 x 4 sets
295 x 8 PR

4 sets.


Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sundays Training

Overall today was a decent workout. I know now what I really need to work on.

1st session
axle clean and press
110 x 5
160 x 3
200 x 1
220 x 1
240 x 1
Stopped here, this wasn't max effort but it gave me a gauge of where I am at. My continental was terrible.

3 board bench
225 x 3
275 x 3
295 x 3
315 x 3

230 x 1
310 x 1
330 x 1
360 x miss
Got a lot of work to do on stones, but I think they will come back quick.

Went to the circus with the family. It was a good time.

2nd session
Power Stairs
300lbs x 3 x 5 sets
I forgot how much using 100# plates sucks to do this.

Ez bar curls supersetted with DB hammer curls
3 x 10

Pulls to the face supersetted with Band pullaparts
3 x 15


Friday, June 3, 2011

Trying to get that competitive feeling back.

I just realized that it has been forever since I competed, at least in something such as strongman or highland games. I don't really count powerlifting meets, as I am really just competing agains't myself half the time. Don't get me wrong getting a PR in a powerlifting meet is worth it, but it doesn't give me the same feeling as competing agains't 10 guys winning or losing. I am attempting to get back in shape and by getting getting back in shape, I mean competition shape.

I think I have figured out what I gotta do, now it is just a matter of getting that fire back. I haven't had it for well over a year, and it is starting to come back. My body is feeling healthy again, not so many aches and pains. Now you always have aches and pains, but I was feeling pain worse than I had ever felt. I never went to a doctor, just did my own research and figured some things to do. Thankfully it worked, still a have a few aches and pains but just the normal.

For right now I think I am not gonna worry about getting back down to 200lbs, if it happens it happens. But I have let my weight settle at 230ish and I am feeling good, and my strength is starting to come back. Hopefully in a about 6-8 weeks I will posting some big numbers I would like to be doing 360lb + stone loads, 300+ farmers walks, 700lb yoke walks, 550lb deads for reps, maybe overhead press 250 for reps. Who knows, I am just going with the flow.


Lower body workout

Another decent workout, and the heat is starting to kick in. It got up to a nice crisp 92 degrees today with some decent humidity, great squattting weather. I will say I feel like a puss lowering the weights, but I know in the long run it is gonna pay off for me.

KB snatches
3 x 5 each arm

Back squats
140 x 5 x 2
190 x 5
230 x 5
240 x 4
250 x 3
260 x 2
270 x 5
Squats were actually feeling terrible until the last set and then it felt easy and light, as it should.

Leg extensions
4 x 10

DB Slds
3 x 10

Green Band Abs
3 x 20


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Upperbody workout

This actually turned out to be a good workout. I was rather suprised as I spent 4 hours working on a gate to cover our driveway and it was quite warm out. But once I got moving things went well.

Close grip bench
245 x 5 x 5

Wide grip bench with slingshot
225 x 5
245 x 5
275 x 5
295 x 3
Just wanted to get a feel, I like the slingshot for wide grip bench.

Tate Presses
50 x  8 x 3

DB flys
3 x 10

DB presses
2 x 10

Wrist curls
3 x 10
