Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Deadlift night

Well first I gotta say tonight was a great workout, but I am not happy with what happened. I will explain in a minute.

Deadlift from the floor, just a belt
135 x 5
225 x 5
315 x 3
405 x 3
495 x 1
525 x 1
565 x 1 Alltime RAW pr
585 x miss nothing left
Ok so my plan was to probably go for 600 tonight. But warmups were feeling terrible, usually this is a good sign, but the more I warmed up, the worse I felt. I probably would have gotten the 585 if I would have jumped to that instead of the 565, but a PR is a PR. Most people will say "Why can't you be happy, you pulled a PR!" Well I think that what makes people who are happy with 2nd place, different from those who aspire to be the best. Hell I have won contest and still found things I was not happy with. I aspire to be the best and not getting my goals is not gonna cut it.

Frame carry
570 x 60 feet PR never doen this without drops

DB rows
3 x 8

Blast strap rows
3 x 20

5 x 20


1 comment:

  1. Your a monster jesse!

    Ok so my plan was to probably go for 600 tonight. But warmups were feeling terrible, usually this is a good sign

    Yes, makes perfect sense.
