Monday, January 3, 2011

Quit making excuses

So I was having a conversation the other day with someone I know, and of course they know that I workout. Well first thing out of there mouth is " I wish I had time to workout.". What the fuck do you mean, you wish you had time. I work full-time, go to school, do stuff with my wife and daughter and still workout. I don't give it a shit if I have to do it at 6 am or 9 pm there is time to workout. I don't know how many times I have to come home from class at 9:30 at night tired out of mind and hungry as hell, but I knew I had to get my workout in. Now some people might say "You don't have to workout.", fuck that I do have to workout. I love it and it is my drug. Here are some things you don't have to do, you don't have to watch 8 hours of television (for the record, I love to watch television), you don't have to drink 12 beers a night, you don't have to eat like shit, and you don't have to spend 6 hours a day on facebook. If someone wants to workout, you can find time.

Now I won't lie I do plan alot of my life around my lifting. My wife and kids do have to sacrifice alot do to the fact that I love to lift weights and I love to compete. But they understand, and support me. Also I have my own private gym out of my garage, and there is typically someone lifting out there 5 days a week, and more often than not even if I am not lifting, I am helping someone. But I always get my workouts in. I can remember many of my late night workouts, where I knew that if I didn't do my workout fast I wouldn't do it at all. One night I can recall was a squat night, I did in 20 min 10 sets of 1 on power cleans, supersetted with 10 sets of 2 on box squats, and finished with ab work supersetted with kettlebell swings. I was sweating like crazy, tired as hell, but it was a great workout. I don't know why people think they need 2-3 hours to workout, your spending too much running your damn mouth if you need 2-3 hours to workout. This is not to say there aren't days that require this much time, as anyone who has trained strongman events with a group knows it can take a couple hours when you are training 4-5 events.

Maybe I am just a motivated person, I know what I want to accomplish, and I am willing to make what sacrifices are needed to do that. I just can't stand excuses people make over such simple solutions. If you got 30 extra minutes in a day, you got plenty of time to get a good workout. If you wanna accomplish strength goals, you gotta be willing to make sacrifice and that is not what you want plant your ass back on the couch and drink your soda. I will be out in my garage gym, lifting something heavy and getting stronger.


1 comment:

  1. Excuses are like Assholes...everybody has one, and they all stink. Well written.
